Thursday 24 February 2011


We're working for a bit on the inside....hooray!

Flooring, flooring, flooring! We created our own race as Tony laid the floorboards on the first floor and I tiled the ground wasn't a fair fight but he won!!! At least, however, tiling one large space was easier than waiting until the dividing walls were built, saved a lot of time messing around with cutting. As ever though, the grouting also took an age but we are pleased with the finish. Once all the flooring was complete we started to fit the staircase. We always knew the staircase would be too tall for the rise between the floors but in the end it was only 10 cims out...very frustrating as we had to cut off one comeplete step from the timber staircase and build our own concrete step!

Now the weather is warming up, it's onto the rendering...yippee!!!

Doors and windows

Another stage closer to making the house watertight was to fit the doors and windows. This went fairly smoothly (bit of a miracle!) and certainly stopped the draughts! The masking tape isn't in case of hurricane damage...we have always fed wild birds around the house and read that wild birds will instinctively fly towards doors and windows where there is no clear obstacles, so with that in mind the book suggested adding tape to the openings until the little birds worked out it would hurt if they flew into it!