The house is beginning to look like a house! With the floor joists securely in place we could at last make a start on the actual roof timbers. A good friend spent a couple of days with us to "show us the ropes" of roof construction - thank goodness for good friends! Having completed what seemed like a taxing mathmatical equation, we eventually arrived at the angles we needed to cut for the rafters to fit to the ridge board and for the "birdsmouth cut" where the rafters would meet the wall plate. Our aim was to try and have a sufficient number of rafters in place to have the ridge board secured across the length of the house. This would make it much easier for us to complete the remainder of the roof with just two pairs of hands.
By the end of the two days with the help of our friend (and saviour!) we managed to complete our goal.
We continued just the two of us, albeit much slower, to add the remaining pairs of beams. A few days later (a couple of them very wet!) we completed the rafters.
Our next tasks are to build up the gable end walls, concrete in a steel reinforced ring beam on the gable ends and fix "outriggers" for the overhang.