We're working with timber at last. We have secured a wallplate to the top of the walls ready for securing joists and rafters. We are using joist hangers to lower the floor joists by 100 mm both for ease of securing and to allow more head room in the roof rooms. With all 60 hangers in place we have secured all thirty 225mm x 75mm joists. The size of the joists are to compensate for having no internal loadbearing walls. We cut each joist to allow 75mm of the depth to sit over the wall plate. This will have the rafter bolted to it.

We were able to continue further with the gable ends and, at last, have cast the final lintel for the first floor window.

Next stage is to sit the ridge board in place and start to cut and attach the pairs of rafters. Thankfully we have a good friend coming to help us get started next week!